A lot of questions that have been on everyone’s lips is how do I get to work or visit vulnerable people without spreading the virus? Garages may be closed or you simply do not drive so how are you going to get there without using public transport? The simple answer is cycling.
Cycling North Wales is not only great for preventing the spread of the virus, but it is also a great form of exercise too! We admit, not every trip is going to be so easy by bike but it definitely helps with your health, and everyone else’s too if you give it a go.
Not only is our health going to improve but so are the planets. During lockdown you may have noticed that the air is much cleaner and wildlife that you have never seen before is making an appearance. This is all due to there being less cars on the road and less manufacturers in production meaning less air pollution. Some even say that lockdown has been a good thing to help people realise that the planet needs time to heal and some even changing their habits for good to do their bit to help.
Cycling is a big step in the right direction. You may not take to it straight away and it will more than likely be a struggle the first few times, but like with anything, a bit of practice will go a very long way. In no time you will be going faster and have more confidence out on the road.
Even if you have been furloughed, cycling is a great hobby to get into over lockdown too. It allows you to go further than your average walk so you can enjoy a lot more of your hometown and discover new places you may have never before. We are all guilty of tunnel vision when we get into our cars to go somewhere without looking at what is on the way to our destination. Use this time to explore further – you may even find a new place to relax or go when lockdown is finally lifted.
As with everyone we cannot wait until lockdown is lifted but we are sure using this time to do things we “never had time for” before. It really is a unique time so cherish the time that you have and try something new.